Supplier No 75012

CVR: DK 43531751

For the last 35 years, we have developed our company to be the market leader in green mini plants. In our range you will find over 300 exotic varieties and approx. 300 added value products and concepts. Today, consumers find the company’s products in all retail chains in Denmark, but over 80% of the production is sold to export markets in Europe and the rest of the world.


We want to be the preferred supplier of innovative products and concepts with a focus on tailor-made solutions, selection, quality, service and sustainable production.


We produce various plants and develop innovative concepts for our consumers, as we believe that plants provide a better quality of life, pure air in homes as well as in workplaces and create aesthetic moments in our lifes.



LUNDAGER brand is perceived as a whole brand by our stakeholders. That is why we focus on innovation through product development, environment, our empoyees and distribution channels. At LUNDAGER, we always work with the development of new concepts and added value products under our trade mark “designed by LUNDAGER”. The production environment and the working environment are absolutely important parameters of competition, we are certified with MPS ABC +, MPS GAP, MPS Social Qualify and Global GAP GRASP.